Crime Watch

Emergency Calls Only: 9 1 1

Fire and Rescue



Emergency Medical or Paramedics

Non Emergency Numbers:

To report suspicious people or activity or other non-emergency issues

Plano Police Department: 972.424.5678

Plano Fire Department: 972.941.7159

Crime Watch Notification:

Please notify the HHHOA Crime Watch of any security issues, crimes, incidents, etc. by sending us an email at:

The Plano Police Department crime statistics for our neighborhood, which are available from their website, often do not have every crime or incident reported. In order to help improve the security of our neighborhood, we will supplement the Police Department reports with issues reported by our residents. This way everyone will have a better understanding of the full extent of crime affecting our area.

When filing a report, please provide the answers to who, what, when, where, why and how

    1. Who - who witnessed, who is the victim, who may have done it, etc.

    2. What - describe exactly what happened in detail

    3. When - when did it happen

    4. Where - address where, location at address, etc.

    5. Why - contributing action or inactions may have allowed it to happen

    6. How - how exactly was the crime committed; break-in, door left open, etc